
I think it looks more like a potholder this time-Knitting Part 2

Last week I proclaimed that I was a knitter and willing to knit sweaters for everyone, I would like to modify that statement just a tad.  I am a knitter (who often forgets how to knit) and I'm willing to make small, misshapen squares for everyone in lieu of sweaters.  Sweaters are too cumbersome and I don't think anyone would actually want one, but everyone has a need in their life for a tiny, square like patch of yarn. 

Before today's knitting class, I was afraid that my splotch of knitted yarn would be least improved since last class, but when I arrived, I realized that it really didn't matter.  All of the other students were still so kind and sweet regardless of how much or how little progress you'd made.  And now that I look back, how silly would it have been if I had been given grief over not producing a ten foot scarf in one week.

We learned to Pearl today which is A) kind of like knitting backwards B) not too easy and C) something I will try to avoid doing during my knitting career.  Some people in class caught on right away to pearling and others struggled a little bit with it, but it really wasn't a huge deal because I think we all had fun in the process.

I feel so good about this class and the bigger picture of what it means to me.  I love the fact that on a Wednesday evening, I can sit, chit chat and laugh with 7 other individuals I wouldn't know if I were in my living room in front of the TV like normal.  I'm impressed with myself that I chose to get up and learn something, and now at the end of each class I actually have something to SHOW for it.  For the entire 2 hour class, I was completely present in that yarn shop.  I didn't think about work, bills, dinner, housework or anything else non yarn related.  I was able to be in the moment and enjoy myself in a way that may seem odd to others, but felt good and right to me.  I'm very excited to practice what I learned all during the week, and I can't wait to go back next week for my FINAL knitting class.  It excites me because I know that I’ll learn something else next week pertaining to knitting, but it also gives me a chill because I know that means I’m almost off to my next “adventure”.  Check back next week as I wrap up my first two classes (knitting and tap dancing), and test myself to make sure I pass before I move on to my next task.
Say what you may but I worked REALLY hard on this

1 comment:

  1. Kia! I finally found your blog. I had a great time in this class too. You hit the nail on the head. It was so fun to sit and chat with people we might not know otherwise while we learned to knit. It was a good group. I'm looking forward to seeing your other adventures.
